Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Back To The Begining

Catching a tennis ball and telling names, everything came crashing down A2 A Journey Of A 1000 Miles... was a bad start for me because I failed it. Not a good start, never mind the course is a learning curve a big one at that. Know matter what anyone says practice doesn't make perfect int makes better, this is a piece of advice that I was told when I was younger and its suck .

As the course went on I was getting more nerves about the next assignment A3 Sounds Like A Plan and A4 Typography. With the two running side by side it felt like I was going to fail again, maybe one reason why I should think about what I what out of the course or weather I should even be on it.

The Webpage design has been a good chance to show of my design skills and flair, Its also been a good chance to learn Indesign which I have learnt very well. The way I have been shown how to design in the passed isn't a bad thing because people have there own way of teaching. I know the way I design on the screen first isn't the norm but like I said before its a learning curve. So no matter what people think its a learning curve, and a big one at that.

I just hope that the software I'm learning is at industry standard, because in the passed when people have shown me how to use some software its been point less. When I've been to interviews in the past they've told me "we don't use that software here". therefore I would be back in education and wouldn't have big money problems.

A4 the test, test aren't my strong point because know matter how many times I go through the information it doesn't stick. maybe that's another reason why I should think what I want out of the course.

The new assignment sounds good, working with someone else will give me a chance to show people that I can work well with others. And Its another chance to show off my strong design skills.

Looking back over the last months has been one hell of a risk for me and my girlfriend I still don't no if I can still afford to do it because of the ex pence of thing that I have to buy. It feel like were forced into buying things that theres know way I can afford. So if its a case of having everything I need or been good at design and going through the learning curve then maybe that another one I should thinking about to what I want out of the course.

So to tie this journal up lets see what the future brings to these new assignment and how well I do.

Over and out for now.

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