Sunday, 8 February 2009

Snow Ball Fight The Next Level

Brain freeze is the second title to the journal, let me tell you why. The snow ball affect seems to be becoming second nature to me but its time to fight back. Plan of action is to manage my time a lot better than I've done in the passed. Then throw some big ones back and hard.

I have had time to digest my thoughts over the last few week and its time to get stuck in. The main reason for this is because I've been running four assignments together but this is my own creation and know one else's. I broke and cracked when I got my feed back the other week. It put everything into perspective and mayed me think how hard the course is.

I've never once thought I'm alone on this one but that's my opinion. Time to put my defiance up and quick, this should stop me from getting detracted from detracting things like snow ball fights. I suppose time will tell but I really need to stop thinking I'm the only one that has the world on my shoulders.

Everyone is in the same boat and I have to start rowing harder and faster. After all it wont row its self.

So to sum up my journal I suppose pull my socks up and listen to my tutor.

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