Thursday, 11 December 2008
Down And Out
Something to get my teeth into the fist A4 project was a good start for me. This is something I have done in the passed, surprisingly I got a merit last time I did it in my old course. May be that was time to give in and let a bad experience pass.
Been blinded from last week and trying to unmask the new week 12 task is proving a mission, But some how I will get through it or may be not, sometime you have to think hard about what you want out of life. What you want isn’t always what you get, May be its time to go back to the drawing board.
I think a long waited break is need sometimes just to catch up in your own mind, but running away from your problems isn’t the answer.
Once I m back in the driving seat next week, that is the time to the thinking sometime all you need is shake up. This experience isn’t a new one for me, Iv pulled myself out of it in the passed so I suppose time will tell, Ill give it one more go.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Dear Journal
I must admit I was a bit gutted that my E card didn’t make it to the short list, but all well ends well I’ve managed to gain a live job with a Leeds based company who are interested in my design. This gave me a confidence boost as this will lead me to some work experience with a design studio in Leeds.
Generally life is treating me well at college; I have been using some software called Indesign which I will be using a lot of in the future. It is really good for putting pages together, I have found it really helpful to get some practice in before we start doing are new assignments. One of them is called Sounds Like a Plan; I’m finding this one interesting we have to design a Webpage. We have to design one page for now, this will follow with the full site next year I’m really looking forward to designing my screen.
I’m pleased to say I feel that I’ve caught up with all my work now, and I’m not a outsider. I get on really well with the rest of the group, I think it helps that we are of the same age bracket.
P.S see you soon.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Craig David
I actualy found it quite scary that he didn't succeed the first time he tried to set his own business up but I admire the fact that he learnt from his mistakes and tried again this time succeeding. This has made me think a lot more about going freelancing myself once I have learnt he right skills at college. I was quite surprised at the fast pace that they work at the studio producing Logo's in under two hours but personaly I would have thought it would have taken at least day to produce a good piece of work.This has shown me that I need to quicken my pace when doing my own pieces of design but I am sure that this will come over time.
It was quite interesting to know that they actualy used there own image bank which they pay for to produce the images for the design work. The fact that they had a pricing structure in a brochure that they had designed themselves for customers to view I thought was an excellent idea as I feel this is also a sneaky way to pull the customers in. It was clever to draw more clients in that were previously paying high prices while using other design companies who are now looking for cheaper alternatives due to the credit crunch. I thought it was good that they had seen this nieche in the market and were taking full advantage of it. Due to this they are now making a profitable turnover after two years of hard graft and the company now appears to have quite a good future ahead of it.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
The Background Of Gill Sans

ill1 sans is a humanist sans serif typeface, Eric Gill was a Graphic artist, sculptor and a typeface designer. Eric Gill designed the typeface to look well or display well. It was desined in 1927, and it contains fourteen different styles.
A2 typeface is a set of one or more letter's and will include a choice of bold, or italic typeface. Also Gill sans will offer alphabet of letter's, numerals and punctuation marks. One of the great uses of Gill Sans is that it has a distinct character of its own. It is said that the Gill Sans family works will together.
Gill Sans achieved national prominence almost immediately. It became used on many things like the Railway signs it was also used on the Penguin books. Others were to follow because Gill Sans was the best selling typeface of the twentieth century, and it still thrives to this day.
The 3upper case of Gill Sans was taken from Roman capitals like those found on the column of Trajan. But if it wasn't for Stanley Morison Gill Sans wouldn't have seen printing ink. The originally Gill Sans typeface was released in metal type. Type foundries have cast fonts in lead alloys from 1950s to the present day. Digital typefaces are also different because they store each character as a bitmap.Typographers have developed a comprehensive vocabulary for describing the many aspects of typefaces and typography. Typefaces emerged when foundries began to include typefaces that included significant structural differences.
Most Type scrips share a baseline, a line that isn't really there which allows the Type to rest on. The line is called a desender, It spans the distance between the baseline and the top of the glyph. Typeface can be split into to categories serifs and sans and great varity exists among both serif and sans TypeFaces with serif are easier to read. This probley makes it easier to read on web pags aswell.
2 Hidden Gem
3 Typeface
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
The Snow Ball Fight
As a new HND student I went in feet first and landed in the class room. It was full of blank faces I didn’t know, it was ok though I knew myself or at least I thought I did. As the work started flowing in I could already start to feel the pressure, everyone else seemed to know what they were doing.
The first assignment seemed really exciting something to get stuck into the only thing was time management. Yep not my strong point and it was defiantly not a good idea to have a week off trust me on this one.
I could feel the snow ball getting bigger everyone seemed to be fitting in really well. The Snow Ball Effect, this was mentioned right at the beginning of the course when I was trying to run before I could walk. Never thought in would happen to me but there was too much work going on to take in.
Right it’s time to get stuck in now like I set out to do because after all this is my future. It was really good because I could ask anyone on the course for advice or should I say the team. I didn’t realise how helpful people could be, I can definitely say I have started to melt the snow ball. The only thing I will do from now on is to stay on track and keep focussed.
Friday, 3 October 2008
'Where I’ve come from; where I am now; where I’m going'
My life has come on since the days of living in a small village, like moving to Leeds six years ago with my girlfriend. This was one of the biggest things I have done, I started out by doing several jobs before getting into the construction trade were I made some good money but unfortunately due to the credit crunch I was laid off. So there was this big wall in front of me and I didn’t really know what to do with myself to be honest, I had done an HNC in graphic design in the past but every thing had changed so much by now. Then I made the decision that the only way forward was to retrain at college, I started to look into an interactive media course which defiantly was the way forward for me. It took a lot of hard thinking and a lot of hard decision making but I finally got the ball rolling.
I would like to think I have some direction in my life now, one of which is making my girl friend an honest woman which is a really important thing to me and to go further with the band I play in which is looking good for the future. My other hope is to finish this course and to make a good carer with the skills I will have learnt over the two years.